Oh my, oh my……
Everyone I talked to on Tuesday started our conversation with, “I read your blog post…..” ha….ha……ha, ha :-)
So we’ll just say I was at the peek of my stress at that point and maybe vented just a smidge too much. BUT everyone I talked to said they knew it was coming and said it was completely understandable. I would say about 75% of my clients have been telling me I need to raise my prices for the past year, so I didn’t feel horrible about that portion of my rant. I just feel bad that it was such a Debbie downer post….but then again it was honest and I’ve had lots of people tell me that’s what they enjoy about my blog, it’s honest. So I’ve decided it’s all good and if anything, the only thing that post did was scare off cheap skates:-)
I’ll post my new prices, packages, etc in the new few weeks.
For now I have a sneak peek for two very cute little girls! I got to hang out with Miss McKinley & Miss Layne for a couple hours the other day. Gretchen, their mom, had a great idea of doing pictures of McKinley playing dress up with baby Layne and…………….oh my goodness…………..so flipping cute!!! Seeing as how we totally messed around with her napping schedule, Layne didn’t have as much fun as McKinley did, but they still turned out cute. At the beginning of the shoot, we couldn’t get the girl to wake up. She was actually snoring as her mom was tickling her feet, picking her up, kissing her cheeks, making noises………..and she just kept snoring. It was hysterical :-) Once we finally got her awake, she did awesome up until dress up pictures. She was so tired and all she wanted to do was fall asleep….but she just couldn’t get comfortable with a feather boa and a tiara on her head :-) McKinley was AMAZING and is one of the most polite little girls I’ve ever met. We were both downstairs, while her mom was upstairs changing Layne, and as I was putting away all my props and getting ready to take stuff out to the car, she just blurts out, “thank you so much for my smarties!” in the cutest little voice. Please note her mom was NOT standing there telling her to say this to me. She just did it, no prompting. I about went out and bought her a whole bag of smarties :-)
Thanks for being so great girls and enjoy your sneak peek!!!
So this is Mr. Bennett :-) They got a better shot of Bennett than they did of Miles at the last ultrasound, so that’s why I’m using just him as an example and not both of them. I just wanted to take a poll…………..whose cheeks do you think Bennett will have??? Dear Lord I crack myself up :-)
Sara S. says
AAAAAADORABLE! Love the Christmas outfits and the dress up ones are too cute for words! What cheeks??? I don’t see any cheeks!
Kathy says
Precious! That’s all I can say…
Allison says
Such fun, whimsical pictures. Love them. And glad to see Bennett is making his first appearance on the blog. Great comparison pic. Andrew thought it was pretty funny:-)
Mom says
I agree with Sara, too cute for words!! And I love chubby cheeks :)
Tiff says
Those cheeks are awesome!! A little mini Andrew!!!!
Rafael Ovdenk says
I’m still learning from you, as I’m making my way to the top as well. I absolutely liked reading all that is posted on your blog.Keep the stories coming. I liked it!
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very cool
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