Oh my…..this was supposed to be posted about, ummmmmmmmm 3 months ago. That is how awesomely on-track I am these days :-) Plus I had to get pictures from other siblings and I forgot to ask them for them until the last minute. Amanda & Todd were in Hilton Head and they had to take and send me their pictures as they were trying to pack up and get the heck out of dodge before Hurricane Irene made her debut. Then I had another last minute moment and decided to add in old pictures. This meant I had to sort through some and then scan them in.
So basically what I’m saying is that I started this about 4 months ago and I’m just now posting it….and it’s still average work to me. Nothing compares to THIS video that Molly did last year for my parents. Had us all BAWLING our eyes out. It just so perfectly describes my family…..
our lives are made, in these small hours, these little wonders, these twists & turns of fate, time falls away, but these small hours, these small hours still remainI can’t beat that video, but here’s my attempt to make Molly cry. Hahaha :-)
Little Miss Molly………..
Where to even begin………
You’re it. You’re the baby. The one who will forever have 7 moms (6 older sisters), the one who will forever catch grief from all of us, the one we will all always be protective of, the one who will forever be held to a higher standard than we ever held ourselves at your age, the one who is wise beyond her years because of her insight that came from have 7 older siblings, the one who will forever sneak away to her bedroom for a few quite moments when everyone is home, the one who will forever have a little bit of that “I’m the baby of the family” attitude…hahaha… the one who will always be a favorite amongst the nieces & nephews and the one who will forever and always hold a very special place in our hearts.
I know your senior year was somewhat of a rough go-around and the only thing I can tell you is that it’s high school. Boyfriend drama, friend drama, mean girls, school, college applications, etc. It has always been that way and it always will be….the good thing is that you’re done with it and you get to start you’ve already started this awesome new chapter of your life. Since this past year wasn’t the easiest- I wanted to give you something to cheer you up….and we needed to make your graduation video :-) Despite anything that ever goes wrong in life, just remember that no matter what, you will always have your family. We love you oh so much and we’re so proud of you. Everything you’ve done, everything you’ll do and we’re also proud of you for just being you. In a world full of people trying so hard to be something they’re not- it’s very refreshing to come across someone like you. You are beautiful inside and out, Miss Molly!!! You’re an amazing girl and you’ve got a great big, good life ahead of you :-)
Ok- I need to get back to work, so no more advice from me. Enjoy your video and we’ll see you and your roommates tomorrow at dinner, ha!
P.S.- Mom cried, so you better cry.
[wpvideo d8kwKcqR]
Chrissie Neely says
OH MY GOODNESS! I even teared up a little! Oh, you Early’s are so cute and SO fun!
Molly says
I did cry, I am seriously in my bathroom on the floor watching this right now crying. I have the best family ever =’D
Allison says
Way to go Lis! It is awesome and so sweet. You and Molly are both so good at this stuff. I think Andrew even got close to tearing up since he has had the opportunity to watch Molly grow up. We love you Molly!
Andrew says
Ali’s lying. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Seriously, pretty cool Molly (and Lissy). Cool kid. Oh… commercial is over, back to “Bloodsport” ;)
Sara S, says
Oh Lissy – I love it!!! SO Sweet and your words of wisdom to Molly are spot on! We love you Molly and are very excited for you and this next step in life! Enjoy it so much! I did tear up but thank goodness I’m not pregnant or anything…My face would be all red, puffy and snotty right now! Sorry Ali! Molly – good tears!
Meghan says
That was so sweet Liss!! The video was cute, fun and sweet (just like Molly) :)
Kaitlin says
Loved it! I watched it 3 times- so cute! I really liked that song at the end.
Sara S. says
The last song is courtesy of Miss Bella and her all time favorite movie Secretariat! :)
Mindi says
great video! i love your family!
Lindsay Free says
Love this! good job Lissy!
Carol Killday says
Lissy, I loved this, just beautiful, you and your work, it is amazing, Molly wishing you the best for your future, enjoy all of it but of course study as well, this was a beautiful walk through the family and friends, emotional as well.
Caroline says
Awesome!! I love it and I’m sure we will all go back to watch it from time to time in the future :) Good job! Have fun in college Molly. It’s soooooooooooo much better than high school!
Julie says
Oh my goodness, what an awesome tribute to Molly! Molly, you are so lucky to have this wonderful family! Lissy, you did a great job with this video! Like many others I was in tears by the end! Enjoy your college years, Molly. Like Caroline said, college is so much better that high school!
Donna Hudson says
Both videos are awesome!!! I want to get to work on one for Lauren’s wedding/rehearsal. It’s not until October 2012, so if I get started now, I should have time to get it done. Any tips? It looks like you used VideoPress – hopefully that program makes it easy for someone like me. Your blog is always good for a smile – thanks for sharing this!
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