Oh man….it’s 2:00 AM…but I WILL NOT go to bed until all these sneak peeks are posted :-)
I actually told my Friday shoots that I would try and get their sneak peeks up on Friday night and……..obviously that didn’t happen. It also didn’t happen on Saturday night- so sorry!! There was just never really time for me to really sit down and work. We had antique shopping (a.k.a prop shopping) to do, we had margaritas to drink while reminiscing on 21st birthdays (for some of us, that was a long time ago), I had shoots, we had to watch Secretariat twice, we had to make late night Target runs, etc.
We were busy with serious stuff :-) Funny times at the Early household in Overland Park- but I’ll tell you about that later.
Friday I did a “interstate 70” photo shoot day :-) I stopped in at Odessa and did a mini shoot for a cute little baby boy, then I stopped in Oak Grove and did a shoot for Miss Emmy (she’s doing the Time Flies When You’re Having Fun Package) and then I headed on down to Overland Park.
Caden was my first stop in Odessa. I think he was totally confused by me, ha! He was all smiles when I got there, but I think the fact that I was laying on his back porch made him a little leery of me :-) Those of you that have had me come to your house- know that I will do just about anything to get a spot with the correct lighting. Well- at the Thomas house…..it involved me laying out on their back porch while we kept the door open and Caden sat just inside of the door. Worked like a charm :-) Although he wasn’t super smiley- I still think we got some pretty sweet one’s of him. Enjoy your sneak peek Thomas family!
Next I headed on down I-70 a smidge more and stopped off at the Brown house to do Emmy’s 2nd shoot for her Time Flies When You’re Having Fun package. I did her first shoot HERE back in December. Now she’s a smiley, kinda sitting up, squishy 6- month old and she was a complete angel for her pictures :-) I even got to try out my new bow on her and it was just as cute as I pictured it being. I also got to try out a new banner idea, I love the way it turned out. She has SO MANY cute pictures this round- it was very hard to pick her sneak peek pictures :- )
Then it was off to Andy & Autumns house for the rest of the day. Of course all the fun began once Miss Briley & Mr. Baylor got home :-) That girl is HYSTERICAL! No joke- she drinks out of a wine glass.
On Saturday morning I watched the kids for a bit while Andy & Autumn went to some class at the church they had to attend before Baylor gets baptized. As soon as they got home I headed on over to the Nelson Adkins museum for a 1-hour shoot with two of my favorites :-) Those little red heads we all love so much! Jett & Cash did SO good for this photo shoot and they were such little troopers. IT WAS FREEZING and windy their whole shoot. The sun was out, but it only helped so much. Poor Cash was borderline frozen solid by the end of their hour. His little arms were just shaking and it made me so sad….so I called it quits. Even though everyone was shivering (except for me….I kept my coat on….I’m mean like that!) we got some SUPER cute pictures. I love their family one’s :-) Kudos to Eddie for coming with the idea to do a picture in the grass with the city buildings in the background. I love that one! Enjoy your sneak peek guys!!
While I was doing that shoot, everyone else was meeting up for lunch with my parents. They were in town taking Molly to the airport so that she could fly out to Texas and Caroline was in town visiting Jared. After they finished lunch and after I finished my shoot, some of us met up in the sketchy part of town to do some shopping, ha! They do this Antique Market thing the first weekend of every month and it’s like a giant antique fair. They fill up these warehouses and set up booths and sell some of the neatest stuff I ‘ve ever seen…..at AWESOME Prices. There is one “store” that’s pretty pricey, but I still love it. If you ever get the chance to go- DEFINTELY GO!!! Look up Good Ju Ju, Bottom’s Up or Bella Patina on Facebook and you can see some of their stuff. Those are my favorite dealers that have shops down there. ANYWAY- I found some fun props there on Saturday and I’m so excited to start using them this spring!!!! SO CUTE! Andy & Autumn also scored an AWESOME dinning room table and chairs….for dirt cheap. We brought Caroline & Jared (he was just so excited to go antique shopping with all the girls, ha!) along because we thought they might be able to find some stuff for their future apartment……and because Jared has a big truck :-) Seriously- you need to start going to this place if you live in KC. Lots of neat stuff!!!
After we finished our day of shopping we decided it was time for some Jose Peppers- yum! We had margaritas and giggled about all our 21st birthdays :-) Caroline’s is still probably the funniest 21st I’ve ever witnessed…. I would never divulge those details on this blog…..but you can totally talk me into sharing the whole nights story with you if you keep feeding me margaritas :-)
This morning I ran over to Andy & Autumn’s neighbors to do a 1-hour shoot for little Miss Amelia, who turned the big one this past December :-) She was a busy little body and didn’t really want anything to do with staying in one spot or wearing any of the cute bows her mom had picked out for her…..but none of that mattered because the pictures we got of her make it look like she just had a grand ole’ time the whole time I was there :-) She was so cute!!! Her eye’s sparkle and her little smile just makes you smile even bigger. Enjoy your sneak peek Amelia!!!
After lunch, I packed up and headed up to Kirksville for part 2 of my travel week. We’re going to pick up Kaitlin & Owen on Tuesday morning, but tomorrow is STRICKLY A WORK DAY!!! I will be returning emails that are long over due, returning phone calls, ordering prints, updating my calendar, finishing up editing from a few weeks ago, uploading galleries, etc. WORK WORK WORK!!!! So if you’re waiting to hear back from- just know I’ll be weeding through it all tomorrow :-)
Ingrid Caton says
Hi Lissy,
Thanks a lot for the sneak peek!!! Pictures look great. It was fun AMelia was so tired that after you left she wnet stright to bed!!! thanks again :)
Kisha says
Hi Lis!
Well, as expected, you didn’t disappoint! I love them! We were so glad to warm up and I’m sure you were, too! Cash zonked out as soon as we got in the car! Can’t wait to see the rest!
Sara says
Kisha – As always, your family is precious and I love seeing your boys! Tooooooo sweet!
Cathy Collop says
Hi Lissy—-These are sooooo cute. You did an excellent job as always! Of course, you know that Grandma Cathy is going to have to get allot more pictures now HA! I just love them. I so enjoyed looking through the pictures of your nieces and nephews. Somethings tells be there is not better aunt than Auntie Lissy! Thanks so much!
Sara says
Lissy – ADORABLE pics! Mr. Baylor – love that smile! Miss Briley Mae – You are one classy little lady! Your parents better watch out! Just kidding sweetie! You are wearing tights so I know you had on some sweet little dress at some time and I love your spunk!
Catie says
Wheres the antique shopping located that you mentioned?
adestrador cachorro says
Abdul Bredlow says
very cool
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