[…] (unlike the lovely weather that blew through this evening) and Lindsey (you remember her from HERE) joined me again for my evening shoots with some of her cute props. All the shoots were […]
You know it’s Spring Time when I run straight to my bathtub after a shoot so I can wash my feet :-) Hahhahaha!
I’m a flip flop girl in the warmer weather….and as we all know….they leave your feet d i r t y at the end of the day. Especially those black ones- which I just so happen to wear all the time. Well, combine that will tracking through dirt, mud, weeds, water, etc during a shoot and you get some dirty feet. After both my shoots today- my feet were a mix of dirt and black. Have I grossed you out enough??? :-) No worries, my freshly cleaned and freshly painted piggies are resting themselves on my couch as I work :-)
Today I got to meet up with an old high school friend, Katie and her adorable little girl Charlotte. I also got to meet up with a fellow photographer named Lindsey who wanted to know if she could hang out with me for some shoots. She does a little photography here and there and thought I would be fun to work with :-) Awwww! Glad to know I’m fun, ha! Lindsey was AWESOME!!!!! awesome. I’m so excited to start working with her on shoots when we can make it work with schedules. Don’t be surprised if you see her at your next shoot- because, oh man….she was so great to work with. She totally got everything I was going for, had great ideas, was a rockstar with Charlotte (she has a little one of her own) and just got me and my style. Our photography styles are very similar- so I think this will be a very good thing :-) Plus she’s just tons of fun and a sweetheart!
Miss Charlotte = total girl :-) Smiled all the time, had that extra little bit of Sassiness, loved to dress up, loved to twirl, loved all her props for her shoot, etc. Sometimes kids struggle (which, btw- is totally normal) through the larger, more prop involved shoots but Charlotte rocked it.
Are you excited to see some of my new Spring ideas??? I LOVE the way they turned out :-)
THANK YOU sooo much, Lindsey for all your help and for letting me borrow your suitcase and red chair :-) So excited to keep working with you!
Next up was Lyndsay and Mike for their engagement shoot!
Um…..did anyone notice how insane the wind was today??? GORGEOUS day, but that wind was nuts. It gave us enough trouble in my earlier shoot, so I was a smidge worried about my evening engagement shoot. We girls don’t like our hair blowing all over the place….and most certainly not during engagement pictures :-) Lyndsay showed up with hair just “tossed up” so we didn’t even have to worry about it. I immediately knew we would get along like pea’s & carrots :-) So, so, so laid back!!! Love it!
She didn’t even get to wear her hair the way she wanted to and it still looked cute. I told her it looked “romantic” :-)
Sooooo excited for you wedding, Lyndsay & Mike!!! Enjoy your sneak peek :-)
so then we ventured over to my “go to spot” in Forest Park………………….let’s side track real quick and play a game of I Spy…………………………
I Spy a couple making out……under a bridge…..and the boy is wearing skinny jeans….and this is after I had just finished saying that boys wearing skinny jeans makes me want to throw up…..
oh we were laughing so hard. I don’t know about you guys- but when I “people watch” , I totally make up stories about who they are and what their story is. It’s fun for me. WELLLLLL- guess who else does that??? Mike & Lyndsay!!!! Of course we had a blast making up their story :-)
and we’re done! WHAT AN AWESOME WEEKEND!!!! I’m so excited for warm weather, dirty flip flops (hahaha), warm breezes, outside photo shoots, GREEN everything, sunsets, etc. I’m so happy to be back outside :-)
More shoots this week- so more sneak peeks to come! Then it’s off to Kirksville for the weekend for Jackson’s 7th (SEVENTH?!?!) birthday and more shoots. Then off to Dallas with a pit stop in Bentonville. It’s going to be a busy few weeks :-)
Lindsay Free says
Wow, totoally WOW! Not sure IF I deserved all the props you gave me, but THANK YOU! I had such a BLAST hanging out and helping with Charlotte’s shoot! TONS OF FUN! I can’t wait to meet up again and soon!! Thank YOU for letting me stalk around your photo shoot! :-) BTW- Charlotte’s pics turned out ADOREABLE, just as I suspected!!!!! :-)
Mom says
Oh Katie, what a cutie!!!!
Lissy, I love the pictures on the path especially the ones with the banner and suitcase. It looks as though Charlotte is setting up her own little place to “play house”…such a little girl thing.
YAY for Lindsay, sounds like a great combination and I love the engagement pictures -Lyndsay & Mike look like a very happy couple:)
Katie says
Thanks Mary Carol! She knows she’s too cute and is already using that against me and Chris to get what she wants!
Here are some things that Lissy didn’t mention!
* The first set of photos was done in the Jewel Box in Forest Park. It was easily 85 degrees in there and MUGGY! We all started sweating as soon as we walked in! There was another family with two little boys inside doing photos of their own, and one of the boys totally dropped his pants while the parents were distracted and started running around with them around his ankles. The parents were busy getting a photo of just the two of them, and we’re trying to let them know that they have a little situation occurring across the room! It was too funny.
* I know she mentioned it was windy, but seriously…it was BAD! It was so crazy windy!! I was certain that we wouldn’t get any good photos because Charlotte’s hair was EVERYWHERE the whole time after we left the Jewel Box. Props were getting blown over, the quilt was getting blown out of our hands, and my allergies were going crazy. It was a real challenge! I think the fact that so many of the photos look great is a real testament to Lissy’s talent!! :)
* We had so many props (two chairs, the quilt, suitcases, bags, flowers, etc) that I couldn’t let her and Lindsay carry them all. I grabbed my purse, Charlotte’s bag with her clothes in it, and the old suitcase that she’s sitting on in a few photos. I didn’t realize until a couple of minutes later that I looked like a total hobo schlepping through Forest Park!
But all in all, it was a very fun time. We were out there for about 2.5 hours, but after fighting the wind, Charlotte and I were both exhausted. She fell asleep in the car on the way home, and I took a short nap after lunch. I noticed last night that I even got a little sunburned on my neck and shoulders!
Mom says
Lissy has a way of surviving adversity and mayhem with style and a smile!
Mindi says
Love these shots! The bridge is great. The quilt…LOVE. The banner…LOVE.
The bride to be is beautiful!
Great pics Lissy!
Kathy says
Really loved all these photos, Lissy. Katie – it’s so good just to see your face again! Your little girl is adorable and her pictures are amazing! You will have fun trying to decide which ones to frame!
I’m excited that you’ve found a co-hort in Lindsay (but I have to say I’m jealous as well – my fantasy is to be your assistant some day). You two will make a mark and turn out even more beautiful work!
And the bride-to-be and groom-to-be are too adorable for words – they really look like a fun loving couple!
Ann Smith says
Oh my gosh, Katie! What a little doll baby – beautiful pictures!! Lissy, I neeeeeeed you! Please move to Kentucky…at least for a weekend:)
Sara says
Charolette has turned into a beautiful little miss and her pictures are adorable. The banners, hearts, quilt… all perfect! You can tell she ate it up! Lyndsay and Mike look like such a happy couple also! LOVE all of the props. I want that quilt for Bella’s room…seriously, can I have it! Just joking, I’ll go buy it! And how exciting is it to have a new photographer pal in Lindsey! Can’t wait to see what comes of this duo – Love her props also!
Sara says
Oh and you and your flippers as Bella calls them. I would go crazy with all of that muck on my feet but your love for flip flops is nothing compared to some dirt, mud, grass, and God knows what else!
Julie says
Love the pictures of Miss Charlotte and Katie! I haven’t seen pictures of Charlotte for a long time. She is such a cutie! As usual, Lissy, your pictures are great!
o que e adestramento de caes says
look the test
Weldon Robertson says
very cool
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