What to write about……………….um………….I don’t know. Do you want to here what I’ve been doing for the past two days???
I can’t believe I’m about to spill this all out on the blog.
I was supposed to be getting my new car today. It was supposed to be a super fun, super big girl type of day for me. But…..
It all came to a screeching halt when we discovered something horrible on my credit report. Let’s just say it was something that wasn’t good to have on there and it should not have been on there because it was taken care of in FREAKING 2006!!!! Are you kidding me?? The only reason I knew about this was because I was turned down for a loan and Mr. Banker man (actually his name is Steve and he was really nice and did a very good job at calming me down) told me about it. When I told him it was taken care of like 4 years ago….he got really quite.
Never a good sign.
The next two days were spent making phone call after phone call and requesting letter after letter. Basically….I can’t go get my car until I get all these letters stating that this “thing” has been incorrectly printed on my credit report SINCE 2006!!!!! Letters are being mailed to the credit bureau, but really the only thing they can do is note that it has been incorrect since 2006 and has had an extremely negative & unnecessary impact on my credit. My credit score isn’t horrible and I would have been fine if they would have just looked at that, but if you go into detail and it shows that I hadn’t paid something since 2006….that’s where I start to look real bad.
No reverse magic was worked on my credit report. They told me they can’t go back and fix their mistake. So basically I got a “oh, we’re sorry about that…we’ll send a letter for you” and that’s about it.
THEN…oh yes, it get’s worse. I see on my report (because now I’m so concerned that I went ahead and printed off the whole dang thing from all three bureaus) that I’ve had a collection agency after me SINCE 2004!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I first started design school, I was working on a project one Saturday at school and I nearly cut off the top of my finger. My dad suggested I go to the emergency room based off what I was describing to him. So I did the whole sit there for 4 hours, get a tetanus shoot and got my finger liquid stitched (super glued) back together. Biggest load of crap ever. Well, we now know that the ER Bill was not taken care of by insurance like we thought it had been way back in 2004. Apparently, it was turned over to a collection agency (that obviously didn’t do a very good job of hunting me down) and has been since way back when. I was able to find their number, call them up and have two very sweet ladies help me get it all figured out. They were so sweet but I seriously almost wanted to smack them. WHY DIDN’T ANY OF YOU CALL ME??? I was explaining that I was never contacted about this and I have no idea how this is still active. P.S.- I had been crying for about 2 hours now and I think they could tell. They just kept saying, “Oh honey, you’re fine. This happens all the time. We’ll get this taken off your report right away.” Then they kept talking about how cute they thought my name was. Yayy mom and dad :)
So….I decided to hold off on the car. I can either wait the 30 days for the credit bureau to update everything, get my loan and then go get my car or I can wait till I get all my “oh we’re so sorry we messed up on her credit report” letters this week, go get my loan and go get my car next weekend. We shall see.
I KNOW there will always be cars available. Everyone keeps telling me this and I keep telling everyone that I do in fact understand that. I also know that everything happens for a reason…believe me, I know. It’s just that I found one I really like and they even reduced the price the other day.
Just let me be upset about it for a day or so, okay??? I can be mad for a bit. They did in fact mess up not only my credit, but also my fun “car buying” weekend. My mom keeps telling me “be happy you’re not in Haiti!”
Seriously mom.
But then I saw all the comments from all my sweet sisters on my Links to My Family’s Blogs post…and I decided everything was fine :) Yes, I can be bribed back into a good mood that easily, ha!
SO….that’s what I’ve been doing. Along with working on the new blog design, editing, coming up with some new pricing (NO- they are not changing. I’m just offering some more choices), gathering up new pictures and songs to put on my website and doing other miscellaneous things that I’ve been wanting to work on.
I’m still a little bummed about my credit, but life goes on. Whatever. Things could be worse. Credit is a tricky little you-know-what. They scare the crap out of you and tell you never to check it but then you decide to get a new car and you go to get a loan and then BAM!!!! You’re thrown head first into a gigantic mess that someone with wayyyyyy to much time on their hands came up with. It’s the most complex & ridiculous thing in the world. Seriously.
Anyway- I will leave you with a picture of what I was going to have today. My wheels wouldn’t be so flashy though. yuck! Flashy is tacky :)
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Molly says
F-R-E-E that spells free, free credit report dot com baby!
missprissiness says
actually Molly….it’s not free. The free one is annualcreditreport.com
Eliseo Moradel says
Appreciate the site– very informative and much to think about!
Regenia Amirault says
Excellent read. I just now forwarded this on 5/13/2019 to a classmate who has been doing a little research of her own on this topic. To say thanks, she just bought me a drink! So, I guess I should say: Thank you for the meal!
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