beach chairs…
[…]{Don’t drop your keys under metal grates that are bolted down} « Miss Prissiness Blog[…]…
Wanna hear something funny??
So yesterday evening I was at this bridge in Forest Park doing a senior shoot, we reached a point where we were ready for an outfit change, but we weren’t changing locations. Since we were using the same spot- I decided to wait there while Liza & her mom went to the car so she could change. It was pretty cloudy the whole evening, so we knew the rain was coming at some point.
Well….that point arrived while I was sitting at this bridge.
Ohhh yayyyyy :-)
The bridge had a little tower like thing that provided like 18 inches of over head coverage for me to stand under, so I moved over there hoping I wouldn’t get too wet. Well………..I see this family stuck on a paddle boat, in the rain, with one umbrella. They were laughing and jumping all over the place and kept me throughly entertained. I sat my down my keys and one of my lenses so that I could take a picture of this family trying to paddle their way back to the boat house, which was still a good 10 minutes away :-)
So I sat the stuff down, took a picture, giggled, took another picture……….
giggled again, heard a clinky sound, looked down and saw this……………….
Those would be my keys that fell through the grate that is attached to this bridge with like 15 bolts….15 bolts that equal me not being able to get to my keys in any easy sort of way.
I start laughing, because once again, this is totally typical of the day to day occurrences in my life. Stuck under an 18 inch bridge tower, in the rain, with one expensive camera, 2 expensive lenses and my keys stuck under a bridge that is covered with a metal grate. Now the world feels right. The day had been wayyyyyyy to easy peasy anyway :-)
A couple comes running over the bridge, trying to make it to their car, but they are stopped by me…..on my knees, laughing at myself (mind you I was by myself because Mary & Liza were at the cars…I’m sure I didn’t look crazy, ha!) in the rain, trying to fish my keys out from underneath this grate with a stick. The guy even said, “you sure are happy for having being stuck out in the rain while trying to dig your keys out from underneath a bridge!” They were so sweet. I told them to go on, but they didn’t want to leave until we got them out. The guy was actually ready to get in the water, crawl up under the bridge and try to drag them down with a stick if he could reach them. Seriously?? I love running into such nice people :-) Of course I was NOT going to let him do that- I was bound and determined to get them out with the awesome stick I found. After like 20 attempts, I finally got them out!!!! We all cheered and clapped :-)
So that was my fun story for the day. Hope you laughed :-)
Last week, when I was in Bentonville, I got to meet up with Miss Maddie. Maddie belongs to Suzanne & CJ, who are Sara & Ryan friends in Bentonville. Ryan & CJ work together, Sara & Suzanne run around town together and Bella & Maddie drive their mom’s to edge together……or maybe just Bella drives her mom to the edge. Maddie seemed like a pretty laid back girl :-) She was amazing for her photo shoot and did everything I asked her to do. I LOVED her socks that her mom brought. They went perfectly with the new tutu I bought a few weeks ago. She also brought along Foxy, her stuffed animal, who got to wear a pretty necklace just like Maddie’s for the photo shoot :-)
Is she not super cute?!?!? Such a doll :-)
I’ll have more pictures from Bentonville in a later post. I did some family pictures for Sara & Ryan while I was there and let’s just say it was…….interesting… requires a whole separate blog post :-)
Yesterday I met up with two beautiful young ladies for some senior shoots. Miss Kathleen came all the way down from Edina and Miss Liza is from St. Louis (Parkway South). Kathleen had to deal with the heat and Liza had to deal with the rain :-) Luckily they were both rock stars and their shoots were fantastic! Kathleen’s cute beach cruiser and Liza’s cute Pom pictures….I love it all!!! Thanks for being adorable, girls :-) Enjoy your sneak peeks!!!
Off to work!!! The amount of emails I need to return, scheduling I need to do, editing I need to do…’s crazy :-)
beach chairs…
[…]{Don’t drop your keys under metal grates that are bolted down} « Miss Prissiness Blog[…]…
[…]{Don’t drop your keys under metal grates that are bolted down} « Miss Prissiness Blog[…]…
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Miss Mommy Hinkle says
Lissy! They’re super fantastic!! Even love the ‘serious’ ones! Thanks a bunch for the afternoon ~ we enjoyed it! Also, we ate a Sqwires – the best atmosphere and a great brisket!
Sara S. says
Oh Lissy – I’m thinking when you were sleeping you must have walked under a ladder, broke a mirror, openned an umbrella inside and broke a chain letter! I agree…at least you can laugh about it!!! Adorable girls though – Maddie’s pictures turned out adorable and very “Maddie” at this point in her little 4 year old life! And your seniors shots are beautiful and so much fun! Great settings!
como adestrar seu cao says
look the test
Kandice Nam says
very cool
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